- Seabreeze At 301Ballito6.8
- Guest house on Gillian Unit 4Ballito8.1
- Sunrise Pool At 201Ballito4.8
- Dolphin Coast YOLO Spaces - The White House Boutique VillaSheffield Beach10.0
- 804 Villa RoyaleSheffield Beach8.7
- Santorini Ballito Kallisti- 3 Bedroom 2 bathroom a few steps from the BeachBallito9.0
- Zur See - No LoadsheddingBallito8.5
- One Jack Powell House- Classic family home steps away from the beachBallito9.6
- The Fairways, BallitoSheffield Beach9.8
- 101 Bermuda-Luxury with magnificent ocean viewsBallito9.2
- Fin des résultats -